Irene Archos (Eirene Archolekas)
Encaustic is particularly endearing for me because it connects me to my ancestral past. It assists in uncovering the many fused layers of my identity. As a member of the Hellenic Diaspora raised on three continents and having lived in five cities and countries, the technique captures the many layers of complexity in living. Its complexity is a function of its multi-sensual nature as well--textural, visual, tactile, olfactory.
The paradox of romantic idealism contrasted to gritty realism, the undertow of the subconscious on what is seen, what is not seen or overlooked and what appears to be seen also play out in my work.
It took the psychic crisis of a painful divorce that shattered the socially acceptable schemas of what it is to be a woman to reveal who I really was--an artist.
Website 1:www.eirenearcholekas.com
Website 2:www.greekamericangirl.com
Facebook Link:https://www.facebook.com/acesoartsforhealing