Nelson Alvarez
I am a Cuban-born, New York-based artist; my work depicts the impact of rampant industrialization upon urban landscapes. My images render and expose post-industrial ecological blight; as well as examine and focus on growing "post-manufacturing" environmental problems. Throughout my multimedia fusion approach to art-making (which includes painting, drawing, photography, and optical installation), the paradoxical and contradictory coexistence of nature with industry (and industry with nature) is the primary theme and focal aesthetic-concentration. My work explores the landscape as a memory of the future. I have an interest in creating work from an ecological environmental perspective resulting from my early environmental and social activism in my native Cuba.
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Ink on paper, 12" x 9", 2021

Ink on paper, 12" x 9", 2021

Ink on paper, 12" x 9", 2021

Ink on paper, 9" x 12", 2021

Ink on paper, 8" x 12", 2021

Ink on paper 9" x 10"