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CL (London, British Museum #1) oil on canvas 72 x 48 inches, 2016

Corviale#1 x3 Oil on canvas 48x72 inches, 2014

CL (New York, QBB #3) oil on canvas 48 x 32 inches, 2015

CL (Istanbul, Hagia Sophia #1 x 6) oil on canvas 60 x 48 inches, 2016

CL (Berlin, Reichstag) oil on canvas 48 x 32 inches, 2016


Paul Fabozzi
Paul Fabozzi received his BFA from Alfred University and his MFA from the University of Pennsylvania. His paintings and works on paper have been included in numerous solo and group shows throughout the United States and abroad, including exhibitions in New York, Philadelphia, Rome, and Busan, South Korea. His work is included in numerous private and public collections, including the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Fidelity Investments, The New York Public Library, and the San Diego Museum of Art. He is represented by G. W. Einstein Co, Inc. in New York and Seraphin Gallery in Philadelphia. Awards include a fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts. He edited an anthology of writings on contemporary art—titled Artists, Critics, Context: Readings in and around American.
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