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Tessa Kennedy

I am constantly re-discovering and reflecting upon the patterns and rhythms, which open a window into human desires and actions. The sounds of sorrow and ecstasy echo in my ears; the smells of perfume and decay play about my nostrils; bodies flit and fret before my eyes. I sense a deep-seated calm, heavy with fatigue and stasis; then the spirit reanimates with a roar of energy, and the old divisions and bifurcations return.
I approach my concept, my subject, my material in layers, offering an appealing surface, which barely obscures a core of often poignant truths. Oscillating between attraction and repulsion, between Orient and Occident, I ask the viewer to confront the personal, communal, and universal experiences of loss-gain, endurance, and healing-growing.
My performances draw upon










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Address: LIC-A Art Space - The Factory, Suite 105a, 30-30 47th Ave, Long Island City, NY

Gallery Hours: Thursday - Saturday, 10am - 6pm

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LIC Artists, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit arts advocacy organization founded by artists and incorporated in 1986 in Long Island City.
© 2024 Long Island City Artists.  All images are property of individual artists. Questions:

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